Chalk Bass
Chalk Bass Forums
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21 1 0 1
18 1 0 3
17 1 0 1
16 1 1 3
30 1 0 3
17 1 0 5
15 1 0 3
17 1 0 3
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Betta splendens
Premnas biaculeatus
Amphiprion frenatus
Amphiprion clarkii
Amphiprion perideraion
Betta splendens
Amphiprion ocellaris
Amphiprion percula
Amphiprion polymnus
Amphiprion melanopus
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Chalk Bass is a fish found in the western Atlantic Ocean. This beautiful fish is non-offensive and peaceful. However, it can become territorial and aggressive towards other fish, especially those that like to swim on the bottom, and even aggressive towards other chalk bass. This fish is a synchronous hermaphrodite, meaning each fish has both male and female reproductive organs simultaneously.